FAST TRACK SERVICES is licensed by the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities as an approved Medicaid Provider Agency.We service every county within the state of New Jersey.We are committed to work with youand your family to achieve the desired outcomes specified in the Individualized Service Plan (ISP). Our agency was founded in response to a need for quality and customizable programs to meet the needs and spark the interests of individuals with disabilities.

Our Philosophy
Fast Track Services believes that all human beings, especially those who have a disability deserve an opportunity to pursuit their own individual goals and dreams. We are committed to the person-centered planning approach that individualizes services based on the consumers likes, interests and preferences.

Our Mission:
To provide the needed supports to assist an individual meet their physical, emotional, and social needs, and we understand that a disability whether physical or intellectual does not define them.Our programs are flexible and customizable to the individual’s specific needs and interests.

Our Team:
Experience Matters. Our team members and leadership are not new to this field. With decades of experience working with individuals with disabilities, we have the knowledge and skillset required to provide optimal support to families and to develop a variety of curriculum to reach the individuals we service.